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the soul of a voice of reason

I am Loren (pronouced lah-ryn), this however, is my alias. It might seem silly but “silly” is what sets us free and makes life fun. Is Loren an alter-ego? Nah. She is the best part of me. The part of me that has evolved and is ever-evolving. “Spoken Loren” is what God placed on my soul many moons ago. It began when I wanted to write and post poetry under an alias name. All of the sudden I had this urge to write and it would come to me so effortlessly. My personal brand seemed so different from this other part of me. While meditating on what to call this creative outlet, many things came to mind but one stuck out and made sense, to me at least. So Soul Spoken. The “So” is an ode to my personal brand. The “Soul” comes from me not being able to always trust in my heart. There is many-a-quote on this very phenomena and we just cant always trust our thumper. Ah, but our soul. Our soul is different. Our soul knows and I mean really really knows. Once you learn to differentiate between soul, heart, mind and flesh? Babyyyyyyyy, you have unlocked the code! The “Spoken” come from me literally evoking the art of speaking through different mediums and it flows well with loren.

Yahweh and I birthed a beauty and my prayer is that through this endeavor you, the reader, and I will invite in deeper healing, knowledge, joy, peace, direction, wisdom, community and alignment.

My vision is to curate an experience that brings you back to your soul, back to your human design and encourages you to take a real divine look at life. My goal is to offer readers a glimpse into my thoughts and experiences in hopes that my wisdom will create a ripple effect of wonder and awakening in your life. Enjoy the experience that is SO Soul Spoken.

-Spoken Loren (lah-ryn)

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